Why we should talk about child drowning?
This is one of the main causes of death* of children and teens in the world.
*According to WHO (World Heath Organization) data.
Every hour more than 40 people die by drowning.
Among those, the main victims are children.
World data – source: https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/143893/9789241564786-por.pdf
Child drowning in Florida
Drowning is the main of death of children between 0 and 4 years old in Florida
Florida Deptartment of Health
In 2017, 67 children between 1 and 4 years old were hospitalized after drowning.
When it does not kill, drowning leaves several after effects in children, mainly causing severe neurological damages. Some children will need medical care for their entire life.
A child wheighing less than 65 pounds may drown in 30 seconds.
We must act fast. This is not only about rescuing children from drowning, but preventing drowning occurring at all, thus avoiding death and potential disability of our children.